Tom Sora : Music Lessons

Lessons in Munich: Harmony, Musicology, Ear training, Composition, Piano / Organ

tonal harmony

1) The tonal harmony

The order of the topics/chapters listed below is recommended for optimal learning of the entire theory of harmony. The individual chapters are built on each other in terms of their content.

You can of course also deepen your knowledge of a specific, advanced part of harmony theory (e.g. modulation) with me, assuming you have mastered the basics of harmony theory.

The chapters of the theory of harmony

  1. 1. The chords, their inversions and the rules of voice leading
  2. 2. The simple cadence in major and minor: tonic, subdominant, dominant
  3. 3. The chords on the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th degree of the major and minor scale (without and with seventh)
  4. 4. Tonic and subdominant as seventh chords
  5. 5. The variants of the major and minor scales: natural, harmonic, melodic
  6. 6. Relatively chromatic chords
  7. 7. The sequences
  8. 8. Diatonic ornamental notes
  9. 9. Chromatic ornamental notes
  10. 10. Chromatic chords
  11. 11. The modulation