If you want to train your ear & learn to sing from sight...
If you would like to perceive musical sequences more easily and accurately, or if you would like to learn to sight-read music, I will be happy to help you.
As with instrumental lessons, it takes a relatively long time to train musical hearing. This is because the ear can only be trained gradually and over the long term.
I offer training in the following areas of ear training:
- 1) Recognizing intervals, chords (including seventh chords and chromatic chords), in all inversions
- 2) classify individual notes in the scale ("step hearing") and relate them to each other ("relative hearing")
- 3) Functional listening: recognizing harmonic functions and modulations and describing them precisely - a more precise familiarity with harmony theory is already a prerequisite here
- 4) Polyphonic listening: Follow overlapping melodies simultaneously
- 5) Musical memory training
- 6) Listening analysis of recordings on CD - recognizing timbres and structures
- 7) Solfège (sight-reading)
- 8) Rhythm exercises
- 9) Musical dictation (melodic, harmonic, polyphonic)
- 10) New music: Aural analysis